In The Courtroom

False Claims Act:

Brad Pigott has represented numerous citizen “whistleblowers” (“relators”) in courts throughout the United States in challenging under the U. S. False Claims Act fraudulent practices by companies to get taxpayer dollars from United States Government agencies, including challenges to:

  • Illegal marketing by off-site “concurrent medical review” company to get hospitals, in violation of the Anti-Kickback Act, to pay for “recommendations” aimed at increasing “inpatient admissions” and billings to Medicare (Opinion)
  • False representations by Ingalls Shipbuilding of costs and hours spent building U. S. Navy ships (Complaint)
  • Concealments by for-profit “universities” of illegal bonus practices pushing students to enroll and to get federal tuition payments (Complaint)
  • Fraudulent corporate practices by nationwide hospice company to get Medicare patients into medically unjustified hospice services (Complaint)
  • Extravagant consulting fees paid to insiders by rural hospitals paid by Medicare based on their costs (Opinion)
  • Extravagant salaries paid to no-show executives of rural hospital paid by Medicare based on costs (Opinion)
  • Kickbacks to “pain doctor” inducing medically unnecessary lab tests (Complaint)
  • Medically unnecessary lab tests by dermatologist/pathologist (Opinion)
  • Fraudulent solicitations by student tuition lender (Complaint)
  • Fraudulent marketing, kickbacks, and disregard of medical necessity by operators of hospital- based “intensive outpatient therapy” mental health units (Complaint)
  • Kickbacks by medical equipment dealers to nursing home chains (Complaint)
  • Kickbacks by medical equipment dealer to pharmacies (Complaint)
  • Illegal installations of propane-fueled trailers by FEMA contractors with untrained and unlicensed installers after Hurricane Katrina (Complaint)

Cases Tried for the United States by Brad Pigott as United States Attorney Resulting in Convictions for Fraud:

  • Ambulance company which claimed Medicare payments for delivering patients, not in medical need of any ambulance, to routine physical therapy and dialysis treatments (Opinion)
  • Medical equipment dealer who paid cash kickbacks to physician in exchange for referring patients to the dealer (Opinion)
  • CEO of State-funded “Venture Capital Fund” who fraudulently misused public funds (Opinion)

Cases Brought by Brad Pigott for Victims of Corporate Abuses:

  • Fraudulent marketing by leading national seller of “Pre-Paid Legal Services” insurance (National Law Journal – Page 1 Story)
  • Boycott by Tunica Mississippi Casinos of Owner of website (Opinion)
  • Fraudulent recommendations by stockbroker to elderly investor of “junk bond” investments (Opinion)
  • Fraudulent marketing of unsuitable securities by investment adviser to vulnerable investor (Complaint)
  • Bad Faith denial by Lloyds of London of insurance coverage by owner of hardware store destroyed by Hurricane Katrina ($1.17 million jury verdict upheld)(Opinion)
  • Failure by paint manufacturer to remove unnecessarily flammable chemicals from composition of industrial paint made to be applied inside water tanks, resulting in deaths of painters from explosion inside tank (Complaint)

Cases Litigated by Brad Pigott Challenging Violations of U. S. Constitution:

  • Unconstitutional denial by Mississippi prison system of parole hearings for prisoners convicted of non-violent burglaries (Complaint)
  • Unconstitutional state income taxation of federal retirement pensions (Opinion)
  • Unconstitutional state taxation of national trucking companies (Opinion)
  • Unconstitutional vote to maintain requirement that 60% of voters must approve any public school bond issue (Opinion)
  • Unconstitutional statute denying unwed biological father’s right to veto mother’s (and mother’s parents’) attempts to surrender child to adoption (Opinion)